Monday, January 17, 2011

Spicy and Hot, what more could a girl want?

My next post will leave you tantalized and panting with the overwhelming delight of sensory overload.

However, all the delight the snow brought also seems to have brought me a cold. So, sit tight while I take delight in the things that bring me comfort when I'm feeling a little under the weather.

In no specific order:

  1. Lots of Vicks VapoRub
  2. TheraFlu
  3. Tea with Lemon, Ginger, and Honey
  4. My new vanilla scented lounge socks
  5. The company of loved ones
  6. Singing songs with my newly found stuffy voice
  7. Delicious soups of all sorts
  8. Books
  9. Extra thick lotion-infused tissues
  10. Halls Zinc drops
  11. Double blankets on the bed, to ensure extra toastiness

Perhaps if I were to heed the life-long warning of my parents to button up, bundle up, and keep my feet warm, I wouldn't be in this mess. Oh well, you live and learn. 


Monday, January 10, 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, LET IT SNOW!

Is there anything more delightful than snow? Yes, I saw the heads shake in derision as I typed that last line. Well "boo" to the naysayers! While for some of you Northerners, snow is often an unwelcome sign of heavy laborious hours of shoveling ahead; for a Texas girl, such as myself, the first snowfall of the year is quite the event.

It generally starts with a rumor, a whisper if you would, of snow coming in the next week by the weather man. Then, the temperature begins to drop and you pull out that big heavy coat, fine maybe just a small leather jacket in  Dallas. The forecast starts to show teeny tiny little flakes falling from the clouds. And before you know it, you are sitting in church when a little girl, with joy in her voice, begins to proclaim, "IT'S SNOWING OUTSIDE"!

And she has every right to be excited! It is lovely and magical. There is almost nothing, outside of fairy dust and champagne bubbles, which bring the delicate and enchanting beauty of snow.

Crystallized leaves

Snow falling amidst the palms

I am well aware the pictures above are not what people would call a hard snowfall, but for me it was plenty. A good start of snow to come.  Last year, we had heavy enough snowfall to warrant the making of some rather large snow people (I'm trying to be PC, folks). I am sure there are people who used this little opportunity to start honing their skills and snow people making. If you are one of those, please do share. I would love any tips, mine was a bit lacking last year.

Why I requested tips

I thought about going into more detail about snow and all it's crystalline water ice , but what is the point of that? We all studied it and know it's just frozen cloud droplets .Wouldn't you rather know that Leuven, Belgium is considered the snowball capital of the WORLD? Or that, snowflakes are actually clear or transparent and not white; the prisms break up the light making them appear to be white.

I hope you have been able to delight in a bit of snow this winter. I don't believe I am quite done with it just yet. Neither are these guys.

Pondering the mysteries of snow

Thursday, January 6, 2011

To be delighted...

What delights you? Have you ever really thought about it? What does the word "delight" mean to you?
I looked it up for all of our benefit and have found it defined as 1) To take great pleasure or joy, 2) to give great pleasure of joy, and 3) extreme pleasure or satisfaction.

That being said, my purpose of starting this blog was to share some of the things that delight me. I was inspired by a simple coffee mug this morning. One that has been sitting in my cupboard for at least a few years now, given to me by a friend upon her return from Germany. It makes me giggle every time I use it and for some reason, I always forget how wonderful it truly is; serving not only as a morning perker-upper, but also a reminder of my dear friend who thought enough of me to gift it. (I am pretty sure she is aware of her contribution.)

I have not had any blogging experience to note, other than some Xanga to pass the time in school, so please bear with me and I will do my level best to try to delight you. I am also holding out hope my photography will improve as well.

I hope to touch on some of the delightful simplicities we often overlook in our busy lives and to give them new meaning.

Thanks for the initial vote of confidence.