Thursday, January 6, 2011

To be delighted...

What delights you? Have you ever really thought about it? What does the word "delight" mean to you?
I looked it up for all of our benefit and have found it defined as 1) To take great pleasure or joy, 2) to give great pleasure of joy, and 3) extreme pleasure or satisfaction.

That being said, my purpose of starting this blog was to share some of the things that delight me. I was inspired by a simple coffee mug this morning. One that has been sitting in my cupboard for at least a few years now, given to me by a friend upon her return from Germany. It makes me giggle every time I use it and for some reason, I always forget how wonderful it truly is; serving not only as a morning perker-upper, but also a reminder of my dear friend who thought enough of me to gift it. (I am pretty sure she is aware of her contribution.)

I have not had any blogging experience to note, other than some Xanga to pass the time in school, so please bear with me and I will do my level best to try to delight you. I am also holding out hope my photography will improve as well.

I hope to touch on some of the delightful simplicities we often overlook in our busy lives and to give them new meaning.

Thanks for the initial vote of confidence.